

Jizo no Akumu

Originally a USC graduate project, this Japanese mythology-inflected survivor horror game is now being continued by Dark Nyx Studios. I created music for world exploration and some narrative beats that featured live-recoded hichiriki and biwa, and contributed to the audio programming.

To the right is prototype footage featuring music that dynamically changes based on proximity to the Baku.

The Visitation

In collaboration with super-cool animator Lars Dabalsa. This animation was about a child who escapes a bad cult situation with supernatural assistance. I did music and sound design.

Unfortunately it was never finished but there were some very cool early renders, one of which you can see here.

Standalone Releases

Self-Correction Log 1

This album, released near the end of 2022, is a compilation of some of the first real experimentation I did with electronic music since college. Tracks vary from very weird to almost "epic." It's bookended by meditations.

Concert Music

purest evil (for those we are not)

Sort of the first of a two-part swan song for my mental health. It was a sad song, and the wonderful performers (listed below) picked up on it and sold it very well. The melody comes from Reis Glorios by Guiraut de Bornelh, a troubadour song about a man who calls to his absent companion.

This performance was done 12/9/18, played by

  • Joshua Rubin - clarinet
  • Nanci Belmont - bassoon
  • Gareth Flowers - trumpet
  • Sharon Harms - soprano
  • Josh Modney - violin
  • Lizzie Burns - bass
  • David Fulmer - conductor

Overtaking Spring

This was written for and performed by the Brevard Symphony Orchestra at the Brevard Festival.

As my first orchestra piece, this piece probably foreshadows my eventual turn toward soundtracking than anything else. It's a profoundly weird piece, largely these flying discordant lines punctuated by very cinematic-sounding chorales.

Sunset Music / Shoes / Bells / Channels / Leaves / Stars / Trains

This piece was originally written for counter)induction, featuring a piano quartet + clarinet.

In it, I tried to use an uncharacteristically complex structure to represent a journey through space to a moment of epiphany, and then through the transition back into the banality of normal life. A short piano motif permeates the whole thing before it's eventually drowned out.


Active Field 6

This short-lived group consisted at its peak of myself, Dylan Delgiudice, Nana Futagawa, Joe Jordan, Izzy Tanashian, Orchid McRae. Unfortunately it didn't last long as most of the members were destined to leave NYC soon after it was formed.

This is our first ever set, which we played at Sundown Bar on 1/17/2923 in Brooklyn. Two more concerts followed at Scholes St. Studio and Downtown Music Gallery.